608 Participants served at our Community Justice Support Centers...Community Justice Support Centers provide services and support to people in the justice system. Support Centers help clients get treatment for substance use disorders (SUD), develop decision making skills, identify career opportunities, further their education, and make connections to the community. Research shows that programs focused on these need areas keep communities safe at a lower cost than jail and prison. Services include: Cognitive Behavioral Treatment to address decision making and SUD Education such as GED/HiSET and college preparation, life skills, financial literacy, and computer and technology basics Career counseling to develop resumes, training opportunities, and resources to pursue a career Support Centers respond to clients’ needs by: Supporting survivors of trauma, Delivering services in languages other than English, Helping those that are struggling with housing or food insecurity, and Addressing any other barriers to success that clients may face. Support Centers are staffed by community-based providers that work with the client to develop a plan to address the client’s needs and prepare them for success.